Monday, June 8, 2015

New Hampshire

Today's Agenda:

Library time is scheduled for:

1. Finish the Presidential Evaluations. These are due tomorrow!

2. Begin the NH Voicethread Project

Don't forget to do test corrections

Friday, June 5, 2015

Unit-Geography and NH

Today's Agenda:

  • Unit 7 Summative Assessments (Absentees/Corrections)
  • Library: Finish research and complete the Presidential Evaluations
  • If you are done with everything: Check out (Create an account if you do not have one yet using your and play around with it.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Unit 7-Manifest Destiny

Today's Agenda:

  • Review: Unit 7-Manifest Destiny
  • Summative Assessment is tomorrow (Thursday)
  • Presidential Evaluations are due Tuesday the 9th
  • Here is the link to the study guide we made

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Unit 7-Manifest Destiny

Today's Agenda:

Finish the video on the Mexican-American war
Here is the Unit 7 Review
Check it out: Union Leader today published a report about marijuana usage in NH.