Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Unit 3-The Constitution

Today's Agenda:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Unit 3-The Constitution

Today's Agenda:

  • Finish: Chapter 5 section 3
  • Review: The Constitution (Linked is a great summary)
  • Analyze: Constitutional Debate

Friday, October 20, 2017

Unit 3-The Constitution

Today's Agenda:

Reminder: Unit 3 Exam is next week. Looking like Tuesday, Here is the study guide

Friday, October 13, 2017

Unit 2-The Revolution

Today's Agenda:

Review: Chapter 4 Section 4
Review: Unit 2
View: Liberty: The World Turned Upside Down

Monday: Unit 2 Summative Assessment

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Unit 2-The American Revolution

Today's Agenda:

Finish: the Boston Massacre (Primary Accounts)
Review: Attack: Chapter 4 Section 2
Check it out: Cool infographic on the American Revolution
  • Read: the Smithsonian has a great article on the Battle of Bunker Hill, the most famous and least understood battle of the American Revolution. After reading the article, write a response in the comment section below. Comments should be one full paragraph about something that you learned or found interesting about the Battle of Bunker Hill. 

Image result for declaration of independence