Thursday, April 18, 2019

Unit 4_ Forging the New Republic

Today's Agenda:

  • Complete: the Unit 4 Summative Assessment
  • Discuss: Research Paper Topic Choice and Sources (What is the next step?)
  • Intro: Unit 5-Nationalism and Economic Growth
Image result for nationalism and economic growth

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Unit 4-The New Republic

Today's Agenda:
  • Finish: the War of 1812
  • Unit 4 Review (Summative Assessment tomorrow)
  • Here is a list of all of the activities that we did in class:

President Washington Powerpoint                  Louisiana Purchase Map
Mt. Vernon Virtual Tour                                 Lewis and Clark film
Anthem Chapter 6                                           President Jefferson Powerpoint
Hamilton vs. Jefferson                                    Presidents 1-4
Elections of 1796 and 1800                            The War of 1812

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Unit 4-Forging the New Republic

Today's Agenda:
  • Finish: Unit 3 Summative Corrections (if you have not done so)
  • Analyze: President Washington (powerpoint linked yesterday
  • Complete: Here are the notes for the powerpoint
  • Finish: Anthem Chapter 6 (also linked yesterday)
Image result for president washington

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Unit 4-Forging the New Republic

Today's Agenda:

Opening Question: How do we evaluate leaders? What qualities or characteristics do we look for in our leaders?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Unit 3-The Constitution

Today's Agenda:

Complete: the Unit 3 Summative Assessment
Finish: Who Represents You?
Intro: Unit 4-The New Republic

Image result for mount rushmore