Monday, December 3, 2018

Unit 5-Nationalism and Economic Growth

Today's Agenda:

  • Complete: Answer the Questions for Pageant Chapter 14
  • Read this Washington Post article "40 Charts That Explain the World."
  • Choose one of the charts that you find interesting and explain why in the comment section below.


  1. I think chart number 2 is very interesting. The gap between rich and poor people grew a very large amount after the industrial revolution. In European countries before the Industrial Revolution, most people had around the same living standards. If you were poor before the revolution, you were even worse off after. Rich people had an extensively better living standard than poor people after the Industrial Revolution.

  2. Chart 34 is interesting because it shows how many people belong to each popular religion in the world. I did not know that so many people were Hindu in the world. Exactly 15% are Hindu. There is a surprisingly small amount of Jewish people. Only 0.2% of the world’s population is Jewish. Christianity and Islam are the most popular religions in the world.

  3. In chart 1 it states the global inequality dwarfs anything we see in America. In countries examined it shows that countries have had a steady rate of dwarf gins. All countries slopes are staying the same so the line is horizontal. This shows that the world’s individuals have not changed much in these recent decades and that global inequality dwarfs (shortens) what inequalities exist within nations

  4. I found Chart #17 interesting. The global temperature has only raised a little less than a degree over the past 130 or so years. I don’t understand why this is such a big deal and how it’s supposedly causing all the icecaps to melt and sea levels to rise, less than a degree doesn’t seem like enough to make that drastic of a difference.

  5. Chart 40 seemed extremely interesting to me because it shows the amount of nuclear weapons in the world between 1945 and 2011. Specifically, I found it interesting that the global nuclear weapon count continued rising while the US was disarming theirs. This made me wonder why the US started disbarment so early. Perhaps it was because more powerful weapons were being researched, so there was a smaller amount of weapons needed. With this said, the world nuclear count has decreased in recent time but Russia still has more nuclear weapons than the US. This sort of pins the US from creating any more weapons because the rest of the world would most likely start creating conspiracies about the US rearming themselves, and it could theoretically start a war.

  6. Chart 3 is interesting because it shows that even if you are poor compared to everyone else in your country, globally you might rank differently. If you are a rich person in a country such as Uganda, you will have much more wealth than those around you but compared to one of the lowest paid people in a country like Denmark, you will have significantly less money. This chart makes the economic differences between countries very apparent and shows that how you are doing economically in your own country is very different than how you are doing economically on a global scale.

  7. I found chart 9 to be interesting. It compared the ways people die and some of the leading killers in the world. I was no expecting Malaria to be such a larger killer, and I also learned that war casualties only made up 0.05% of total life years annually. Non communicable diseases took up half the chart while infections diseases and birth problems along with injuries made up the other half.

  8. Chart 6: I found this chart interesting because poverty has always been a problem in the US. This chart is predicted that in the next 20 years the amount of poverty will decrease in the US. If the poverty continues to decrease at this rate it is even possible that poverty could be completely eliminated.

  9. I found chart number 3 to be interesting because it shows the huge gap between rich and poor countries. In poor countries, the people considered to be rich have less money than the poor people in rich countries.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Chart 1 is very interesting because it shows that compared to most of the rest of the world, America has a lot of equality, however Sweden is even more equal than America. So things aren't bad as they are but they could be better as it relates to equality
