Monday, September 26, 2016

Unit 2-Revolutionary America

Today's Agenda:


  1. Boston was a lot hillier and watery in 1775, than it is today. On the morning of June 17th the rebels were doing a lot of labor, but the night before they did so much labor they had no sleep or anything to drink, they only had rum. The British invaded the rebels territory thinking that they would win the battle, but their plan backfired because there were too many rebels to defeat at once. When the rebels fired back the British fell apart.

  2. On the night of June 16th, over a thousand colonists marched to fortify bunker-hill. The following morning on June 17th the rebels tore up the town, the men had little to eat and drink the night before except rum. The British invaded Bunker-Hill and expected to win the battle, but it backfired once the rebels started to fight back.
